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Employee Spotlight - Kara Ellis

Kara has been with WINGS from the very beginning as our lead graphics designer.

What's your role with WINGS?

I design a lot of the graphics you see on our packaging and advertising, as well as on our site and social media, along with the rest of our design team.

What do you enjoy most about your job with WINGS?

I like all the aspects of my job. I get to do what I love every day and design, and work with great people. But maybe more than all that is knowing that what I'm doing works towards something good - helping the environment, and aiding in the fight to save the bees.

What's your motto in life?

I like to live under the idea of finding what makes you happy, and not letting anyone else stand in the way of that.

What's one of your favorite childhood memories? I used to do a lot of gardening with my grandparents. They planted a lot of different flowers and vegetables. I always liked seeing things grow and bloom, knowing that I helped cultivate that.

What got you interested in working with WINGS?

I've always been interested in doing what I can to help the environment. I liked seeing that WINGS prioritizes that health and happiness in its values, and knowing that working here, I would be working for a good cause.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

I still try to keep up gardening, but on a much smaller scale than my grandparents did. I also like to do a lot of drawing. I like to do a lot of creative things - putting something into the world that wasn't there before is a cool feeling. I'm trying to do some more volunteer work as well. Working here has opened a new door, I think, and I'm seeing a lot more opportunities to help in a lot of different places.

Favorite place you've travelled?

The Grand Canyon, for sure. It's indescribable. Pictures never do it justice.

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